Having a repeating group table (not table element), set up a sorting by each column.
Element to click to Initiate a “sort by” action: Group->Inside group: Text and Material icon.
Sorting w/o any drop-down element by clicking, means that a user should click only on an icon or group by sorting values.
My approach:
I created a CustomState with a type of data: list of Option Set.
Custom state can have only 1 value (!== list)
Option Set has only values Equal to columns values from a data type. Means that value in Option Set == values Data Type: Column Name.
When a user click I set a value to my Custom State. When a user click on another element within a menu table - I overwrite previous value or empty value.
ISSUE STEP: In order to sort my Repeathing group (check my screen) I am trying to do the following:
A. Sort by: Change which field
B. Dynamic field name: my Custom State Value. BUT: I cant choose/pass a value.
What I am doing wrong or what I dont understand?
Important: The value properly is setting to my custom state. I checked.
So , create option set , each option has two atributes → text , desc (yes/no) , when you click on arrow icon on one of the columns set state of element, this option . Now , on repeating group’s dynamic field , state of element’s text , on descending part state of element’s desc . You can do this for each column .If you wan’t to go further if you have 5 column and you want users to be able to sort descending and ascending you need to have 10 options in total , (text1, yes ) - (text1-no)… for 10
Thank you for the reply.
I slightly did not get you.
My question why I am not able to use a value from my custom state. Basically, What I am doing wrong?
Your custom state should be 2 dimensional option set,lets call your option set ‘‘Table sorter’’. Table sorter option sets have text attribute and an yes/no attribute . To give an example ,lets focus on sorting by age .Step 1) Create text attribute > age , yes/no > no Step 2 ) Click on arrow icon right of the age and set state of your custom state age option of your ‘‘table sorter option set’’ Step 3 ) Go to your repeating group , sort by field name = custom state’s text , and under Descending = custom state’s yes/no .
So , if you are doing with hand you will write ‘‘age’’ and ‘‘no’’ to those fields , remember ‘‘age’’ must be same as your customers ‘‘age’’ data field .
I can see how that is frustrating to not be able to see ‘value’.
The option set’s ‘display’ is not what you want?
It needs to be a text field. Do you have another text field in your option set that you are trying to use? Can you show us a screenshot of your option set please?
@J805 there are not attributes above option sets. It sets only by default Display / text.
The key point of my issue is tied to custom states functionality.
The value from custom states is not shown is a bug or feature or some nuances of my set up?