HELP! How to upload image to server

I have a custom state with a list of images in Base64, it’s good for me at once because I don’t need to upload an image that in the end my user won’t use it (like if page is refreshed or he uploaded the wrong image and wish to delete it). But when the user finish the process this image needs to be uploaded to the server and I need to associate this in a list of images in my database.

I’m using a Plugin called BetterUploader, with it I get the image file from user, convert to Base64 and add to list in Custom State. I thing that BetterUploader has some resource to send it for the server and if it’s true how I can do that even though the user upload a single image at first and after another image, and another image. I mean like if the user upload those images individually not all at once. Is possible to send a list of images in custom state with BetterUploader plugin? If not how can I do this other way?

Thank you very much in advance.

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