Hi there, I’ve been building a marketplace but I hit a big wall with Stripe and I really need Bubble community’s help!
I would like to achieve retrieving Stripe’s external account’s “Bank Account ID” using API Connector to have the control of the timing of “account to bank” payout. “Stripe.js 2” and “Stripe Marketplace Express” don’t have this feature yet and I can’t finish my site because of this… big bummer!
I’m currently using “Stripe Marketplace Express” and Stripe’s pre-made onboarding page to connect account with them, but again you can’t retrieve stripe’s “Bank Account ID” with this route. (I’ve already confirmed this issue with Zeroqode support)
So the last option for me is to create my own API to retrieve Bank Account ID but I’m not too familiar with API Connector… another bummer.
I appreciate with any directions, footages or learning materials in order to achieve this!
“Stripe.js 2” actually has a feature “Create An External Account” and by using this I can retrieve External Account ID (which is bank account ID.) However, this is more for adding an external account to Stripe’s existing connect account.