I have a text search bar and a multidrop down search bar. The Repeating Group shows results only when I fill in the multi drop down entries but not the text dropdown. However, once I have filled in the multidrop down, then the text drop down works and I get the correct results. But by itself I get no results when I enter a value in the keyword drop down.
I am doing a search that looks like this
in Pic 3 in the filtered list part.
In the regular part, I have
Hi there, @accts… if I understand your post correctly, you have a constraint on the search, and you are also applying a filter that includes the same constraint you have on the search, right? I have no idea if this will help, but have you tried removing the constraint on the search and seeing if it works with just the filter?
Tried removing it in regular search and also in the filter/advanced section. Neither works.
Here is the app. The conditions work fine but as long as both the searches are there.
Actually, if I remember correctly, ignore empty constraints doesn’t work with advanced filters, and I just confirmed that with an example on my end.
So, I believe the way to go here (which I have also confirmed with my example) is to remove the filter on the repeating group’s data source but keep the name constraint on the search with ignore empty constraints checked. Then, add a condition to the repeating group that says when the search tags input’s value count is greater than 0, change the data source to the search (which should still have the name constraint with ignore empty constraints checked) with the advanced filter applied.
I removed the Ignore empty constraints on the Advanced Search.
When I do that, the sort functions do not work.
I already have five different conditions for the sorting. I added another one checking the value of the Input Word but then the sort conditions stop working.
The sort functions work only when the Input Seach Words is filled in. Otherwise no.
Very confused. Is there an another method of doing this?
Mike, here is my app. Perhaps you can take a look.
Thank you so much.
Struggling with it for two weeks, am missing something fundamental.
I didn’t realize you have two forum accounts and that was you responding to my last reply. That being said, troubleshooting a repeating group that has 13 conditions on it is a bit more than I would usually do in the forum, but if I get a chance, I will take a look. You should probably consider paying someone to help with this one, though.
I did. The suggestion was to use 16 total conditions. 2(on, off) x 2(on, off) x 4(for each sort type) a total of 16.
I did and it slowed the sort so much that it was nearly un- useable.
I hope to find an elegant and efficient method if there is one.
Seems if the second dropdown was not a list (as mine is), the whole process would a lot easier.
Well, I found some time to dig into this one (the better part of the past two hours), and now I wish I hadn’t.
This one is no joke, as you already know. My second reply in this thread is still on the money, but the sort definitely complicates matters, and I wasn’t thinking about sorting at all when I posted that reply (in my defense, you didn’t mention sorting in your initial post, so I focused on the search/filter).
Anyway, I have been playing around with my own example, and I seem to be able to get everything to work as expected with 7 conditions. Given the way I am approaching it, though, I should be able to get it down to 5 conditions, but when I do, a couple of the sorts break, and I have no idea why. I will play around with it a bit more tomorrow.
I have everything working as expected in my example now with five conditions on the repeating group, and I will walk through that example for you. Buckle up.
First, when it comes to the sorting, I would use an option set to define the options, and the set should have an attribute that can be mapped to the voteCount
and Created Date
fields in your Product
data type. Here is the option set with the attribute highlighted.
Here are the attribute settings for the Newest and Votes - Low to High options. Note that the field names must be spelled exactly the same (including capitalization) as they are spelled in the Product
data type.
Before we get to the repeating group’s settings, you need to enable the experimental parentheses feature, if you haven’t done so already.
Now for the repeating group’s settings. The main data source (on the Appearance tab) should look like this.
Then, there are five conditions on the repeating group, and they look like this.
The first condition’s data source looks like this.
The second condition’s data source is the same as the first, except the sort’s Descending field is set to “no”.
The third condition’s data source looks like this.
The fourth condition’s data source is the same as the third’s, except the filter has the sort settings in place.
Finally, the fifth condition’s data source is the same as the fourth’s, except the sort’s Descending field is set to “no”.
Anyway, that’s what I’ve got on this one, and I really hope it helps. If it doesn’t, well, I won’t be responding in this thread (or your other one) again.
@mikeloc Off topic
I was about to post “sort by” question
But this fixed my issue …
God bless you for your hard work
Thank you, MIke. Brilliant.
Happy to help… and great job solving this one, @mdburhan3!
@mikeloc I think it’s by mistake
You solved it genius
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