Help with back end loop workflow

Hello, I’m currently working on an online marketplace but I’m having some problems with the back end workflows.

The workflow is something like this:

Customer adds a product to the cart

Selects quantity


Back end workflow: make X amount of copies of that product (x is the quantity and everytime a product is copied “quantity -1”

So before the checkout the database looks like this:

Product X example: quantity 3

And after it would look like:

Product X example: quantity 1

Product X example: quantity 1

Product X example: quantity 1

I basically need you to re-do the worflow and to make it work properly, sometimes it creates too many copies, sometimes the backend worklow is triggered automatically etc.
Here some screenshots:


Please, send me a message with an estimation of how much and how long it will take.
Start your message with the word “Sugar” I won’t reply if you dont include it.
Thank you.

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Hi @ibra.cisse

SparkDev is an experienced developers team who can help you with your app.

I’ve sent you PM with details, please check and write back to me.

Best regards,
