Help with converting text returned from API call to Json for Bubble (for a fee)

Hi all,

I am not a coder so have very little understanding of how to get this to work.

I am making a call using the API connector to:

This is a Govt business name directory, it returns a list of matches. This API returns a text file that’s formatted like JSON but it’s not JSON.

I need to clean up the data and make it Json and then somehow gets it into Bubble so that I can display the data into a repeating group for the user to select which business they are looking up.

This is what the text looks like:
We can see that the data after “callback({“Message”:”",“Names”" is the data we want.

There was a post by someone with the same problem and he went down the regex path. So I assuming you can use regex to extra the data but how to you convert it into something that Bubble would understand?

If you have a solution, please contact me and I am happy to pay you for your time.

callback({“Message”:"",“Names”:[{“Abn”:“11617869548”,“AbnStatus”:“0000000001”,“IsCurrent”:true,“Name”:“BOLD BRIDGE CAPITAL”,“NameType”:“Business Name”,“Postcode”:“3006”,“Score”:100,“State”:“VIC”},{“Abn”:“11617869548”,“AbnStatus”:“0000000001”,“IsCurrent”:true,“Name”:“BOLD BRIDGE PTY LTD”,“NameType”:“Entity Name”,“Postcode”:“3006”,“Score”:97,“State”:“VIC”},{“Abn”:“97092228469”,“AbnStatus”:“0000000001”,“IsCurrent”:true,“Name”:“BRIDGE CAPITAL PTY LTD”,“NameType”:“Entity Name”,“Postcode”:“3101”,“Score”:97,“State”:“VIC”},{“Abn”:“81123230688”,“AbnStatus”:“0000000002”,“IsCurrent”:true,“Name”:“Bold Capital Pty Ltd”,“NameType”:“Entity Name”,“Postcode”:“4740”,“Score”:97,“State”:“QLD”},{“Abn”:“82603933704”,“AbnStatus”:“0000000002”,“IsCurrent”:true,“Name”:“CAPITAL BRIDGE PTY LTD”,“NameType”:“Entity Name”,“Postcode”:“2205”,“Score”:93,“State”:“NSW”},{“Abn”:“11167713582”,“AbnStatus”:“0000000001”,“IsCurrent”:true,“Name”:“CAPITAL BRIDGE PTY LTD”,“NameType”:“Entity Name”,“Postcode”:“3145”,“Score”:93,“State”:“VIC”},{“Abn”:“18177023494”,“AbnStatus”:“0000000002”,“IsCurrent”:true,“Name”:“CAPITAL BRIDGE PTY LTD”,“NameType”:“Trading Name”,“Postcode”:“3000”,“Score”:93,“State”:“VIC”},{“Abn”:“27801794759”,“AbnStatus”:“0000000001”,“IsCurrent”:true,“Name”:“Bold Capitol”,“NameType”:“Business Name”,“Postcode”:“2022”,“Score”:91,“State”:“NSW”},{“Abn”:“60521379247”,“AbnStatus”:“0000000002”,“IsCurrent”:true,“Name”:“BOLD”,“NameType”:“Trading Name”,“Postcode”:“4036”,“Score”:88,“State”:“QLD”},{“Abn”:“54007794201”,“AbnStatus”:“0000000001”,“IsCurrent”:true,“Name”:“BOLD COMPANY PTY LTD”,“NameType”:“Entity Name”,“Postcode”:“5031”,“Score”:88,“State”:“SA”}]})

Hey @intrafinance

I’m assuming you’re based in Australia? I’m from Sydney :wave:

If you wanted to book some time in my calendar we could look at this together, I’m sure there’s an easy fix. Details are on my website towards the bottom

Josh @ Support Dept
Helping no-code founders get unstuck fast :rocket:save hours, & ship faster with an expert :man_technologist: on-demand

Thanks Josh,

Happy to book a time but I need a solution that’ll work. I want to avoid “figuring things out as we go” and may not get anywhere.

Perhaps you could look into it and let me know if you can definitely make it work or do a demo page and I can pay you for it.



Hey Ty,

I’ve had a quick look into it and it all seems pretty straight forward from what I can see. But I’m not a registered user of the platform, so I don’t have a GUID which is required. There also isn’t any clear instructions on how to get one, if it costs etc. Classic government website :man_facepalming:

I’m happy to quickly mock something up, but I’d need access to a GUID to do it. But in any case, I happily provide a full refund in the case I can’t help you, if it’s due to a lack of knowledge on my part and not third-party issues. Haven’t had to process a single refund yet tho :grinning:

Josh @ Support Dept
Helping no-code founders get unstuck fast :rocket:save hours, & ship faster with an expert :man_technologist: on-demand

I post daily about no-code and Bubble on Twitter Follow Support Dept on Twitter

I can send you the GUID, have you got an email I can send to? I can’t seem to send a private message on here (or don’t know how)