I am assuming you are using related tables correctly and the order table has a data field that is related to the client data type…if so, it wouldn’t matter what gets changed on the client data type, the relations to other data types will always remain the same.
Data type 1 = Client
data field = name
data field = id
data field = order_list ( related to data type orders )
Data type 2 = Orders
data field = client ( related to data type client )
data field = products list ( this would be related to the data type products…)
In this brief example, anything that gets changed in the clients data type does not affect the orders data field of client recognizing the relation.
What would change as you point out is if you are sorting that order data table by client name and the name changes from Alphabet Company to Alphanumeric Company, then they may end up in a different position in the list, but all the data and connections remain the same.
If you are really just trying to get it so that there is some consistency in the way an orders data table would be sorted based on the clients details, then use a sort number ( very helpful besides for sorting things in an order, but also matching to repeating groups current cells index which is a number ).
Using the sort number is simply and straight forward in terms of getting them synced…the problem you will always encounter is when a client leaves, and the details are deleted and they had a sort order of “4” or and ID number of “000000004” all other clients that come after will not automatically get changed from “5” to “4”…you’d need to set things up to make that happen.
In regards to sorting things on an order table, you may want to think about the user experience. I don’t know what your use case is for the app you are building, but whether it is for an in-house application or one where you will try to get paying customers, the users will want more control over how they sort.
Some users may want to sort by data of the order, or the amount of the order, or perhaps sorting based on company name…I don’t think many users will be too concerned with sorting by the order in which the client “signed up” or was “created”.