Help with Stripe workflow > redirect page

Ey there!

I’m building an App that uses the official Bubble Stripe App to process payments. More specifically, I’m using the “Charge the current user” option (for no logged users) + “The payee of this transaction is another user” for marketplace purposes.

Everything is working properly, but when Stripes executes the payment and redirect to Bubble, the /checkout page is still visible instead for a few seconds, instead of redirecting to /thank-you page immediately. I tried to fix it adding a “loading” content when the payment is done, but it still show the checkout card with the product information, price, button to pay, etc…

The workflow looks like this:

Step 1: Charge the current user > Step 2: Change the status of the Payment from “Pending” to “Paid” > Sept 3: go to /thank-you page

Any idea of how to avoid these seconds loading the /checkout page and being immediately redirect to/thank-you? Webhooks? Stripe settings? Any other trick using states or hidden elements with conditionals that works for any of you to show a “loading” to the user while the redirecting starts?

Thank you :slight_smile:

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