Ey there!
I’m building an App that uses the official Bubble Stripe App to process payments. More specifically, I’m using the “Charge the current user” option (for no logged users) + “The payee of this transaction is another user” for marketplace purposes.
Everything is working properly, but when Stripes executes the payment and redirect to Bubble, the /checkout page is still visible instead for a few seconds, instead of redirecting to /thank-you page immediately. I tried to fix it adding a “loading” content when the payment is done, but it still show the checkout card with the product information, price, button to pay, etc…
The workflow looks like this:
Step 1: Charge the current user > Step 2: Change the status of the Payment from “Pending” to “Paid” > Sept 3: go to /thank-you page
Any idea of how to avoid these seconds loading the /checkout page and being immediately redirect to/thank-you? Webhooks? Stripe settings? Any other trick using states or hidden elements with conditionals that works for any of you to show a “loading” to the user while the redirecting starts?
Thank you