Hi,I am trying to add my report data in send email but i dont understand how can i get all my reports data in email

I have reports table and i want to send all staffs report daily through email but i am not able to get all staffs report in send emails body…Please help me to solve this problem…Thanks!

What you’re looking for is an email body that contains a Table with data, like when you paste a table inside gmail for example?

Tables in Text format are HTML objects. On your body text you can build an expression that returns a List, then you use ;Formated as Text… and you can build your HTML for every entry of the list

Its not so easy to do this to be honest, specially if you’re kind of new or don’t know much about pseudo-coding.

You can find similar uses to what I said by looking at how people have built JSON arrays for lists for API connector.

To be honest, your best bet is to generate an excel or csv file and add it to the attachments of the email. There is a plugin that you can use to build csv and excel files just the way you want and have that run in your workflow before the email step

You can either use it as an attachment or use the link in the text

Method One: ChatGPT
If you’re trying to make the data appear in an email as a table, just use ChatGPT to write the code for the table in HTML, then use Bubble’s Dynamic Data Option in the editor to add the data into corresponding fields.

Describe the table you want to ChatGPT, and when it spits it out, it may take a couple attempts with the chatbot. Just remember, stay in the same chat (don’t restart in a new one) and continuously correct it’s mistakes in as much detail as you can. I wrote a whole program that had some intricate order of operations in them with ChatGPT, and it took a couple attempts with the program.

Once ChatGPT writes it, test it out in an HMTL file until you get the result you want. If you want to make it pretty, ask GPT to add some CSS.

Method Two: Word Art
This is a little extreme and not the best solution, but if nothing works, you can try to make a table with text using different text characters. It won’t be perfect, and it won’t look great, but it’ll get the organization done until you figure out a better solution.

Let me know if you need more assistance.

Thank you

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