Hi Everyone,
I require some help setting up some API’s and workflows for an app being created. The front end is nearly completed but I am facing some difficulties around the backend.
The API’s we require help with is:
Salesforce for pulling in specific contact records into the apps database. Still not sure if Bubble.ios database is better for our needs or an external. We currently have a process in place that requires client to input secret and key. Ideally we are looking for a single sign on process that grants access.
Uplead API for enriching the data pulled from Salesforce. UpLead API Documentation
a Linkedin profile scraper to srape every Salesforce contacts Linkedin profile for new job data. LinkedIn Scraper – Scrape LinkedIn Profile Data | BOTSTER.io
There are some steps after this that I may possibly need help with but this will be the starting point.
Drop me a message if interested and any questions you have.