I want to create a repeating group in which a user can Choose how many number of rows does he want to see. For example if a user select 10 from a dropdown then user will see 10 no of records and if user select 5 they see 5 records in repeating group
Create a custom state (of Number type) for the desired number of rows, and use that value as the RG’s datasource: Items Until #
Then, whenever an option from the dropdown menu is selected, change the custom state value to that selected number.
but i want to show all my data in different pages like i have a set of 50 rows and I select 5 from the dropdown then it will create 10 pages having 5 rows on each not just 1 page having 5 rows only and similarly if i select 10 then 5 pages with 10 rows on each not just 1 page with 10 rows
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