How do I find blog app ID and app secret to use the Wordpress plugin?

Hey guys

End goal is we’d like to pull our most recent blog posts from our Wordpress blog into a repeating group on our homepage. Just like the picture and blog title and link.

I added the plugin ( but I’m stuck on the step of adding my Wordpress API keys and googling around the forum and in general hasn’t yet helped me figure this out. Does anyone have clear steps to get your Wordpress app ID and app secret to use the plugin?

I found a link saying Wordpress don’t give you API keys anymore, I don’t know if that’s true, but if it is, then is there any way to do what we’d like to?

This might help?

1- Create a Workpress app

2- Add redirect the generic redirect URL to your Wordpress app
or is available for purchase -

3- Add the app ID (Client ID) and app secret (Client Secret) to your plugin

4- To authenticate user add it as an action

5- Show your blog posts in repeating group using a website id

Hi Johnny

OK I’ve created a new account just now on This is a different account to my blog but I’m guessing I can link them in due course. But how and where do I do step 2 and 3?

did you ever figure this out? running into the same problem

Here is the relevent info how to do this i faced the same problem with my site back 2019. I applied the following methods. 1.finding the app id 2. app id code