How do I remove the "Bubble no code app"

I have just deployed my first app on bubble. But on the browser tab next to the favicon, the text is showing “Bubble no code app”. How do I get rid of this and replace with my own tex?

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Hi there, @abdullahi.alfa… you can change the page title of any page in your app, and that title shows up on the browser tab.




Oh! I see. Thanks a lot.

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Could you also help with this: Need Help urgently with Bubble chart Plugin

Hello @mikeloc
I have a similar question for u please.
Do you known how can I modify the title on the google page result ?

Hi there @andrewleroi,

Go to your app settings > SEO

I tried the same but its not working is it because I am in personal paid plan ?

No, it is not because you are on the personal plan. Share screenshots of what you did and what isn’t working.