I want to save all the data in the “Planets” section, and nothing else. when I try do choose Planets, however, after the api call, it wants me to choose data nested within planets.
I don’t want to save ultimate pairs because when I use the data, I want to use that whole “section” of json which means I have to re-compose the entire data set.
Is there a way to save the “Planets” section as a whole?
that’s probably because you need to set the field in the database to the right data type (the data type of the items inside planets).
If you put the expression that stops at planets and hover the mouse on it you should see what type it is (something like “evaluates to type”).
And I cannot get this data saved to the database. For now I’m going to save the whole thing in one text field and use find-replace to get at what I want. I’d love to figure this out, however, so if you have the patience, I’ll work on it. Thanks in advance.
if you want to save planets you need to look at the data type of one item in the planets list, not the type of the request and not the raw body test. You also should be able to see what is the type when you initialize the call with the api connector
Ok, it think you saved the list correctly.
The only thing is that the items of the list are not a “native” bubble data type so the database view of the editor does not know how to display them.
The data is there anyway and you should be able to use it and display it in the app.