I’ve got a test account with a company that is integral to my platform, they’ve given me testing API endpoint and credentials. Its working great. I’m using the API connector plugin.
Now I’m migrating to their live API, which means I’m updating each API url in the API connector along with the authorization header.
When I will use this environment in testing circumstances, it will use the live version, I don’t want this.
I have tried creating two workflows for each live and not live but this is incredibly tedious, and I’m sure there is a better way.
You can easily use test credentials in test version and live credentials in liver version. By using condition isnt live version: is yes … Then use format as text.
It will give you two option, yes & no.
Inside yes put test credentials and inside no put live credentials.
If you still stuck, i would love to walk you through, ping me any time.
If you’re calling an external API, you need to dynamically specify the version to call. Normally, it’ll be something like live.example.com and dev.example.com. In this case, we’d format our API Connector URL as [version].example.com. When we make the API call, we use the Isn't live version operator. When yes, set the value to dev, and when no, set the value to live.