How do you create Autofill geographic address fields?

Exactly as the question really. I want to record geographic addresses by having a form that automatically populates the information as the User types. This functionality appears all over the web and from comments in this forum is, apparently, easy to create but I can’t work out how to do it nor find any information that tells me how. YouTube draws a blank and I can’t find anything in the Bubble Manual nor here. I’ve even tried ChatGPT but that tells me I have to install a PlugIn (Google Places Autocomplete) which seems quite expensive and might not be what I want. I’ve clearly missed something. If anyone can tell me where I might find information or tell me how to create this I’d be hugely grateful.

Kind regards

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Create a input field.
Set it as Geographical address.
You can set the initial content as current users geographic location in order to pre populate it with his geo address

Done :+1:

Make sure you have setup maps API key for this to work in published apps.

Many thanks for this. I can’t believe it’s this simple and it turns out that I’ve got an issue with Google API keys which were working but which now aren’t and I hadn’t noticed. I guess once that’s fixed, I might stand a chance with this! Thanks again

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I’m having a similar issue. I just can’t believe there is no information available on this basic topic!

Hi Andrew

My memory of this is fairly foggy, sorry about that. I think in the end it came down to data types. I think I went back to the original Data field and ensured that was Type Geographic Address and that the Input I wanted my addresses to be autofilled in matched that. I have a vague recollection that my Google API Codes needed redoing so I sorted that out and it worked. It was one of those things that turned out to be remarkably simple given how effing awkward it was to find out the whys and the wherefores.
I don’t know if that’s of any use to you and I’m sorry I can’t be more help but I wish you luck.