How do you manage long conditional lists?

Hi guys,

I have a few REs that are used across my whole app. Each RE gets a conditional for each view to update the content it displays and save me creating a new element for each view.

Essentially they are IF() statements that read the URL and display content I pass through, like so:


My list of conditionals is now longer than my monitor can display, and scrolling it down just means the edit window appears off screen at the top!

How do you guys manage this? I’d hate to create more elements just because of a UI issue.

Hi, I recommend here not to use the conditional at all for your subtext/icon. What I would go for:

  1. An option set to match the urls arbitrary text with attributes subtext, icon
  2. e.g. directly in the subtext value of the RE:
    • Get option(all options)
    • :filtered by Get Data from page URL:item3 is [This option set’s Display]
    • :first item’s subtext
  3. Same for icon

It will save you some space.
For the value, I don’t know if you can optimize. Depends on what are the cases you have for the conditionals.

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