How Have People Used Bubble Sub-Apps Before?

There isn’t too much activity on the subject, but I’m thinking of creating a shopping cart experience where the sub apps (essentially a no product shopping cart) can be distributed to users on paid plans.

How do updates on sub-apps look or function?

Do they mimic a main app’s code?

Any input on how this is structured or use cases would be good.


Would be interested in feedback in using sub apps too

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I’d also like to know.

I trial tested the sub-app feature for 30 days last year. At the time, this is how it functioned:

You can ‘push’ a new sub-app from the primary app any time. This new app (which takes up a slot in your limited quantity of private apps if you marked it as private) has a dev URL and you can later assign a custom domain name, SSL, and other site-specific settings. In my case, I was launching each sub-app under a subdomain of the primary app.

Users in each sub-app are completely separated from your main app. This means users would have to sign up separately for each new app. Updates occur in your primary app automatically (unless on a dedicated or custom hosting plan) and you can then ‘push’ those updates AND all your app edits to all sub-apps at once. This can take some time if you have a lot of sub-apps but it is still fairly quick. If you make changes to a sub-app’s core functionality that is paired with the primary app, you will lose that customization upon pushing the primary app code down the branches of sub-apps. So, any changes you wish to make in your app need to be made to the primary app. I rarely found myself editing sub-apps.

One problem I ran across is that the setting up of custom domain/SSL is all manual and you must enter new plugin API keys manually. This really should be something you could setup in a workflow, and I’ve tried reaching out to support before without a response. Automatic creation of sub-app, subdomain DNS, SSL

My use case is as follows @JustinC @propvideo @supernaturally

Primary app allows users to re-sell subscriptions to content that is privately stored. We use the primary app dev environment (…/version-test/) as an ‘alpha’ staging area, and treat the primary app live environment as our ‘beta’ staging area. This allows us to fully test out how each sub-app will ultimately function. Each sub-app is a true replica of the primary app branch (aka multi-tenant). After I push an app from to, I go to the new subdomain and I see exactly what I would see in the primary domain except I will not have any database information from the primary app available to me (the DB itself is empty upon replication, but the structure is still there). We created a data app (ie that can store temporary+transferrable data between apps or us. Meaning, rows of data that we need in all of our apps are imported manually upon creation of a sub-app. This is pretty easy as you can export + import in a CSV dump.


This is great information. Thank you. Don’t mind if I come back with more.

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Appreciate you spending time on giving your feedback. Very useful to know.

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One big challenge I’d love to figure out a solution for is how we can more easily push updates from a master app to a sub-app while preserving the customizations of the child app that a customer may request/pay for. Could there be a way to somehow compare the underlying code pre and post update and then inject any customizations that may have existed previously that don’t exist anymore on the updated app?

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That’s what I use the App Connector plugin for. I have created a sub-app on a subdomain ( where I store data I’d like to have available on all of my sub-apps. As for changes to each unique sub-app, you can make many adjustments to the workflows in the primary app editor so that certain functions are available to each user account or users of a sub-app. I’d say build out an “available features” workflow that limits what adjustments people can make to the app based on certain variables set on their user account.

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Thanks Philip for the this detailed feedback !

Is it possible to push the update to on sub-app only ?

All the best

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