Hello, can anyone help me to find a way to add a constraint like A contain list B, in a search.
Hi there,
What you’re probably looking for is called an Intersect, which is under the :Filtered
menu. On your ‘List to change’, click the “More” button that is there after the TalentAssignments word - scroll near the bottom and you should see a “Filtered” option. Once you click that, another expression window will appear with additional constraints. On that window, scroll to the bottom, and choose ‘Advanced’. Now the constraint can look something like: This TalentAssignment’s skill&experience_secondary `intersect with (other list to compare to): Count > 0. This would find any TalentAssignment with at least 1 matching item in the list. You could do Count > 1, 2, 3, etc, or if you need an exact list match, it would look something like Count is (list to compare to: count).
Be careful with Advanced Filtering and Intersect searches, as the larger and more complex the lists are, the more likely they are to slow down the search, and burn through WU.