How to add a list of things via workflow

When a User signs up, using the workflow, I want to add to the role 2 (a list of an option set named User Roles) data type that they are “Admin” AND “Team Member”. Since it’s not on any field, I can’t fetcth XYZ’s value.
The user doesn’t input this info anywhere, I just want to attribute it, via add list/set list, choosing both values on the workflow, like so:


I can’t seem to figure how.
Captura de tela 2024-07-04 195350

How could I achieve this?
I’m having the same issue when creating some sample rows for a 16ish tables to display sample data. When trying to add a list of things using their unique IDs, via workflow, I’m facing the same problem.

Any thoughts?

everything is blue in the screenshot its not clear what hasn’t worked. for what its worth you should be able to add both in one expression by putting an “and” in there. instead of a list I think I’d just have a separate yes/no for each role

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Instead of the add operator, use add list.

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Thank you for your help!

Using the method I showed above, it does work (saving 2 times to the same field), but I wonder if I can do it only once (saving only 1 time), if there’s a right way to do it.

Yeah, I thought so as well! That’s why I’m confused. The “and” operator doesn’t show for me though:

Captura de tela 2024-07-04 235002

Tried this one as well, but still no good:


The way you have set up is just fine.

If you specifically want to add multiple within the same expression Try this:

Admin :converted to list :plus item Team Member

Both will give you the same results.


Oh, I see, I does work, thank you for all the help!

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