Careful - you might embarrass yourself
My solution is under the assumption that the flow selection the user makes is part of a log entry, a form, onboarding, or some other flow. It’s unlikely this is just a single question on the user’s profile because flow, logically, changes by the day. Rather, the user will be recording this multiple times.
In any of these cases, you likely wouldn’t want to be storing it on the user. For log entry/forms by storing it on the user you could never have more than one entry, and for onboarding, because you wouldn’t need the data all the time and would be building a more performant app by keeping the User (which is loaded on every page load) data type light and simple.
And this just shows bad build practice - what use is a list of Flow records alone if you don’t know when they were recorded? What if the user skips logging a day/month? How would you know if the user has already submitted a log for this day/month? Think it through… that’s the kind of reason you’d be storing it on another data type.
Now, @jademariewakes, here’s a simple editor demo that you should be able to copy and should work for your use case (of course, it’s possible I got your use case all wrong and something slightly modified may suit yours better!):
We have an option set for the options, and have sorted these options using the number attribute to ensure they’ll always be in a fixed order even if options are added/deleted/moved in the editor.
When an option is clicked, we save it to the Log. You’ll see the conditional on the ‘Group Example Option’ group.
You can see that the logic works great for loading previous previous responses too (as I assume the user will be recording their flow multiple times):
Hope this helps!
(P.S - I used a hidden group to store data rather than states, as it’s a bit more flexible. If you still want to use states, you can swap out Display data in a group actions for Set state of an element actions, and reference a state rather than a group’s data )