Displaying data in RG buttons

I have created some option buttons using options sets and a repeating groups. When any of the buttons is clicked its state is changed and it is added to the database, if clicked again it is then removed. i am now having the below issue when viewing the data on the front end.

is it possible to set the states of the buttons we creadted to default to “yes” if the “Extra” is present in the data base. So when a user goes in an out of a file the buttons will still be blue. I have currently set a conditional format to change the colour to the dark blue if the “vehicle booking extra matches current cells display”. the only issue with this, and it is a small issue, is that the state of that button defaults to NO when you visit the page, so if i then wish to remove one of the those options i have to click the button twice. So once client sets the state to yes, so it stays the same dark blue colour based on the first condition we setup for the colour change, and then the second click changes it back to no so it is then removed from the database and as such the second condition i setup doesn’t detect it and so the colour remains grey.

So just trying to overcome having to click twice which feels a bit buggy.

hope that makes sense


Answered by Sam in your other thread…