How To Build A YouTube Clone Without Code - Bubble

After getting started with the first video being simply titled ‘Me at the zoo’ back in 2005, YouTube is now a cornerstone to modern video content consumption. In seconds, users can find world class educators and free video content in every niche imaginable, as well as millions of hours of entertainment. In this article, we will walk through a tutorial to build YouTube clone using Bubble, a no-code web app development platform, no programming experience required!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Shouldn’t this be updated to reflect the new 5GB storage limit? If I was new and was reading this, I’d be deterred.


Amazing article. I have a question regarding the searchbar. How do we render results in a new page from an input field that lives in a reusable element (the header)?

How YouTube has their header on all pages and their search bar takes you to a new page when you enter your query. How do we emulate that on Bubble?

I followed the tutorial but when I want to play the video I have an error on the youtube player. it seems that he is not able to read the video stored in AWS. Is there something I missed ?


Try this it worked for me!
(This is a HTML elemnt)

Limiting the length of video upload. Can you do that so it is only 60 seconds like on Tik Tok? Also curious if anyone has figured out how much storage per month would cost per like 1,000 videos. Server costs are the big one here I would think.


I think for a video project like this one would have to consider the Wasabi storage plugin

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Thanks, will take a look.

Hi, can you fix this issue now? I have exact same issue. I also followed BenjiM’s HTML method but it does not work for me. If you have already fixed this issue, could you please share how? Thank you in advance.

Hi, sorry. It is fixed now for me. I followed the instruction here" How to Add Video to Your App - YouTube.

Best regards