How to Convert URL to Text with DocSpring

Hey there everyone, hopefully this is an easy one.

I am using a Multiselect Dropdown, which is connected to a data type, then populating the user’s selections into a Repeating Group. One of the fields in the related dataset is a URL and, using the Link field, I am able to successfully show this as LINK as opposed to the full URL in the Repeating Group. So far, so good.

Here is my issue: I have not been able to replicate this in DocSpring. I am pulling the fields from the Repeating Group into the DocSpring PDF Template, yet I cannot seem to figure out how to replicate the URL conversion from the Repeating Group to the DocSpring PDF. Meaning, instead of LINK, only the actual/full URL will appear. Any thoughts?

I’m not familiar with the template but it is possible it only accepts text based fields for the conversion to PDF.

Check out this plugin that might help

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