How to exclude deleted option sets value from result?

I have a database structured as follows:


  • Page: page (option sets)
  • Permission: permission (option sets)

When performing a “Search for Permission”, how can I exclude results where the page refers to a deleted option set value?

search :filtered :advanced :this dataType’s option set display is not empty

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Thank you for your answer. But I am lost.

I could not find “display is not empty” option. Please let me know where I did wrong.

Explore how advanced filtering works in Bubble :slight_smile:

Thank you for sharing the video tutorial. This is what I have done:

But it still showing the result with the deleted option set value.

What part of the options set is deleted?

If you deleted a display … then change that last part of the expression to say “is not” and then use :arbitrary text to add character by character the label that you deleted

Use the optimize app feature as that is only way to truly remove deleted options


May I know what are the optimized app feature to be used?

Settings / General / App File Management / Optimize Application Button

Review the documentation prior to running this process so that you can understand its reach.