How to execute external python script from within Bubble

I have a python script on an external server which does some web scraping and collects some data.

I would like to ask if there is a way to run this external python script from within Bubble and then read the data collected from the script. The Bubble app must also pass some dynamic parameters to the external python script.

Is there a way to perform such task?

Thanks a lot


Any update on this? I’m interested in a similar process.

I’ve been using for a while now to run Node.js scripts externally. I knew they supported various compilers for other programming languages and with a bit of searching found this Python compiler – Not sure it’ll be useful to you but this may be your best option at the moment.


I use Google Functions for most new stuff but still have some python/flask apps installed on a linux cloud instance. Lambda is also an option if Amazon is your preference.

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Another happy user here. Run quite a bit of stuff externally.

Ideally Bubble would develop a way to do this, as surely is not all that hard !

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