You mean the SSO provider? There’s no formal documentation: I’m working with the team who built the SSO on the other side. They know about their SSO but they don’t know about Bubble. So they can’t advise me what to do once the URL is returned.
My Login button should be something like:
After user login to SSO it will return something like:
Then the big question is what do I do with this URL and token.
The question is to know if you can use Bubble API Connector oAuth2 user flow instead or need to do thing manually. According to what I see yes, but it’s hard to know without the documentation.
I see what you mean. Let me investigate.
For my understanding: if I could use the API connector, then what replaces the typical “log in user” action that’s normally the conclusion of the login process using a local login?
Yes. You will use Login/Signup with social network
Using this, Bubble will create an user with the Auth from auth provider.
The auth provider need to follow oAuth2 process and have an endpoint for user currently authenticated and provide email and ID (but email can be use as ID too).
OK so after a lot of research and effort, we made it work!
Here is how we make the SSO login using OpenID:
You will need:
The API Connector Plugin
The Seesion & Local Storage Plugin
SSO Workflow
On page load check for an access token in the local storage.
1.1 If token found in local storage, go to step 2.
1.2 If token not found in local storage, go to step 4.
Call SSO API to get user info using token.
Check user info against user database:
3.1 If user exists: login, (use global password) END
3.2 If user doesn’t exist : signup, (use global password) END
Click button to call SSO:
4.1 User is redirected to SSO login page.
4.2 User is types in username and personal password.
4.3 User is redirected back to Bubble with a Code.
Call SSO API to convert Code into access token.
Store access token in local storage, then go to step 2.
How to build that up
1 Create your index page.
2. Create two SSO API calls:
2.1 A Get Access Token Call, requires Code Input and Redirect URL to your app.
2.2 A Get User Info Call, requires access token.
3. Create a reusable element to store all your SSO workflow (that’s easier to re-use).
4. Add workflow explained above into reusable element.