I’m building a courier app and I would like to be able offer some services only to certain clients. I’ve made a data type (services) of my services and made a list of services which I’ve put in a repeating group that has (services) as the “type of content” and “do a search for services” as the data source. I would like it so when a user goes to the new order page they see the list of services that’s been approved for their user account.
I’m sure this question has been asked a ton and there’s a simple answer but i’ve only started using bubble a few days ago and my google-fu hasn’t been able to find an answer so far. Thanks for any help i’ve spent all day trying to figure this out.
Hi @j_business
You are on the right track.
- Consider adding a new page with content type “service”
- Build it with basic text and image elements to display the data of the service chosen in the page where the repeating group resides
- In your rg add a button to the row that will navigate to the details page of the service
- Upon click of this navigation button setup a workflow to “go to page” and send the service record there like this:
There is much more to building your app but this should get you going.
Hope this helps 
Thanks for the suggestion, I may be misunderstanding but this isn’t quite what I’m looking to do. More like, say I have 3 main services I want offer clients:
Service 1 - $10
Service 2 - $15
Service 3 - $20
These services are available to every client who signs up.
Then say i have 3 other unique services I’d like certain users to see. So like user1 can choose from unique service 1 & 3 while user2 can only choose unique service 1 and user3 can choose from all 3 of the unique services.
Ideally done in a way I can activate these services for other clients who wish to have them and also a way i can easily add more of these unique services in the future on request from clients.
Hope I explained myself properly, thanks again.
Very doable with Bubble! 
Thanks for sharing and best of luck with your build!
Thanks @cmarchan, any suggestions on how I might go about it? I’m having quite a difficult time trying to figure it out
The description you kindly share is about an app that has user interface (UI), logic, and a dB model.
So … I suggest you take a stab at all of that … and when you hit roadblocks research online for guidance, watch/read tutorials on building Bubble apps, and of course ask for help in the forums with a more elaborated app 
These are great resources to gain much knowledge in a shorter amount of time:
Build your first Bubble app

@j_business What you’re describing is quite simple: You need to categorize your users, and then you need to assign certain services to that user category. In bubble, this is easy to do using option sets and the data base. Here’s how I’d go about doing this.
Create an option set called User Type, then in that option set create your user types (ex. “consumer”, “business”, “business 2”).
Create a data type called “Services” (I think you’ve already done this?) and then in that data type create a field called User Types, which you are going to assign it as the option set you just created in step one. Make sure you select “This is a list” because you want multiple user types to access each service.
In your user’s data type, create a new field called User Type, just like step two, but this time its not going to be a list.
In your repeating group, make sure its searching for a list of services, then set the constraints so that the “User Types” contains the current user’s user type.
So now what should happen is that if you have Service 1, which is assigned user types Consumer and Business 2, and your user is a Consumer, they’ll see Service 1, (assuming the other two services aren’t assigned consumers).
Thanks man! That definitely helped, I knew there was an easy solution but for some reason just couldn’t get to it. Thanks again!