How to Protect API Keys in Bubble When Working with Outside Developers

Hi everyone,

I’m looking for advice on how to protect sensitive data, specifically API keys, when collaborating with external developers on Bubble.

Is there any way to prevent collaborators from accessing the Plugin section where these keys are stored? It seems that as long as someone has access to the app, they can view the API keys in the plugin settings.

If there’s no way to restrict access to this section, is the only workaround to change all API keys every time a new developer joins or leaves the project? Any tips or best practices for securely managing API keys in this scenario would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

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  • Roll your keys after the job completion
  • Have them develop in an external app and copy it in
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Thanks for the feedback. Option 1 I’ve thought about. Option 2 as well, I am just not sure how well backend workflows copy over. It may be straight-forward. I just don’t know. I’ve been building solo and working with devs in bubble is slightly different than a code-based app.

I feel like it would be a very easy thing for bubble to implement an option to hide API keys from collaborators

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