Are you storing the checkboxes values in custom states?
It would be helpful if you could add a screenshot of your workflow when the checkbox is checked/unchecked
Based on your setup, the checkboxes values are auto-saved:
The expression that sets the checkbox value is whether permissions contains 1. If yes, then the checkbox is checked. If not, the checkbox is unchecked:
So for the checkboxes, the “Save” button is useless for now. If you want to only save the value when clicking on Save, then I would suggest you store the checkbox values in custom states, and only add/remove 1 when clicking on Save, based on the custom states values.
The reason why I saved it into db is that I need to send them to API.
I used bubble db to save update temporarily before API.
If click save, then the data in bubble db is sent to API.(the bubble db shows the update). that is my humble idea.
do you have any idea with it?
I saved data from API to db as you helped me before and diplayed them on table.
I don’t really know what API you’re referring to, and I honestly won’t have time to deep dive into your use-case (maybe someone else here will have the time) - all I know is that this issue you’re having:
although, the db was changed when add or remove but without clicking save it is not sent to API.(my backend).
so if I update db from API when click permission, it should work, i think.