I built an API Connector that triggers a webhook. I am triggering this using a button.
I also have a File Uploader component.
All I want to do is be able to pass the file in my File Uploader to my API endpoint.
Whatever file is in my File Uploader should be sent to the API endpoint when I click the Trigger Webhook button
Below are some images of my page, the workflow of my button, and my API connector:
Ideally I want a downloadable URL as the input but a base64 format of each file works as well. As long as all input files are sent in the input in the same way it should work.
The API call in Bubble already starts the flow. The only thing I do not know how to do is reference the files in the File Uploader element and pass it as an input.
I believe this should be possible as it can be done in Glide.
I am new to Bubble.
I am assuming you are referring to the API call for the parameters. So change the datatype from JSON to File it seems.
And then regarding actually linking the file in the File Uploader element to the API call when I click a button. Will that then be available in the workflow editor of the button?
In this action, one you will have the file parameters (don’t forget to remove private checkbox), you will have access to this parameters. Just reference fileuploader value
In your API Connecter, change body type to form-data.
Add parameters
Select file, remove private
Once it’s done, you will have access to this parameters in the WF action
Hi there, I’m having an issue at this part, when I try to initialise the plug-in, it asks me to add a file to the value parameter? What should I do at this section