How to send user's Facebook credentials to user database


I hope someone can help me with the following:

I’ve set up an option for the user to signup with his/her Facebook account. In the user database table I’ve created a name field (name of the user) for when a user signs up with email. I would like to have this field populated with the users last name if it concerns someone who signs up with Facebook. Is this possible? If so, how?

One of the reasons I would like to do this, is that it gives me the opportunity to show the user name on the welcome page that the user is redirected to after he/she signs up. Currently on this welcome page I need to chose between the ‘user’s name’ or the ‘user’s Facebook name’ in order to show a name. Since it could be either of these, this doesn’t work.

Any help with this would be very much appreciated!

Hi @remco.berg , you can do this operation in a workflow (attached my google auth example). I chose to go with a custom workflow (“Save user in DB”) so I can call it in different workflows after the “sign-up/log-in with a social network” operation (Bubble reference)

You might consider to give your user the possibility to change the name right after the Facebook authentication because they might use some nicknames on Facebook that you don’t want them to use in your app.

Hi @Dr.Dru

Thanks for taking the time to respond. I’ve tried setting it up as you suggested, but it’s not yet working as it should.

Schermafbeelding 2023-02-10 om 16.40.03

Somehow, it’s not able to see the Facebook credentials. Which is strange, because when I use the exact same ‘string’ (Current User’s Facebook’s First name) on the welcome page to fetch the name it shows the name. Any thoughts on why this is not working in the Make changes to User workflow?

Schermafbeelding 2023-02-10 om 16.41.50

Do you see the email of the user in the database after you sign up?

Yes I do. I’m using my own facebook account to test, but that shouldn’t matter I hope.

I’ve got it working now. In the user database I had previously created the field type Facebook Profile. Which didn’t do anything it seemed because it remained empty after the Facebook signup but apparently this field interfered with the workflow. After deleting this field the workflow was able to fetch the name and send it into the user table.

Solved. Thanks for your help @Dr.Dru !

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