I have a drop-down list that I would like to match to certain images. For example, if a person selects the drop-down list gender of Male and role type as Paladin, a male paladin image will show. I am not sure what to do. I selected the image I want and did a workflow show “Image B” when “drop down gender”'s value is “Male” and when “drop down role” is “Paladin” but when i preview it shows on the screen without selection. I would like to see it hidden prior to selecting the specific drop down lists.
Insert an image on to the page and uncheck “visible on page load”
Add visibility conditional to the image: “when 'drop down gender’s value is not empty and 'drop down role’s value is not empty” >> image is visible
Add conditionals for conditional image load. There would be as many conditionals as the number of combinations possible. They would be like “when 'drop down gender’s value is ‘male’ and 'drop down role’s value is ‘paladin’” >> Image source: Male paladin image
There’s probably many more ways to do this, but this is a simple approach that came to my mind as soon as I read this post. Hope things work out for you!
So I was able to get it to work with one condition. However, I can’t seem to get it to work with multiple conditions. I want an image to show when Human, Male, and Paladin are selected. When I make a condition with all of those it doesn’t work but if I choose one, it does work.
I’m thinking that you should play around with this and add another conditional here if you want to add more conditions. The condition should now look like this:
when 'drop down specie's value is 'Human'' and 'drop down gender’s value is ‘male’ and 'drop down role’s value is ‘paladin’ >> Image source: Male paladin image
D&D player here, excited to see what you’re cooking up-
I wanted to ask if you’ve pre-generated each of these combinations (meaning dozens or hundreds of photos already in the database)? If so, I would approach it this way:
Create several option sets:
Tag each image with each of the options (Tiefling, Bard, Female).
Set each dropdown to those option sets
Have the image Do A Search For, with constraints being ‘Race is Dropdown’s Race, Class is Dropdown’s Class, Gender is Dropdown’s Gender’: First Item
In theory, again assuming you have all of these images pre-rendered, and assuming there’s only 1 possible combination of each of these traits, this would be the way I’d tackle it.
I have images but I’ve only uploaded one.
I am also trying to re-think the best way to do this.
I am creating a “D&D” influence type mobile game. Basically, at the start of the game after you create your account, you go into character selection (race, gender, class). I also wanted to include a few options of character image choices. For example - if X user chooses the following drop-down selections: Male, Human, Paladin - the image will appear but they can select an arrow button to see a few choices.
Since you want to have a few choices, my suggested setup would work, only instead of the appended ‘:First Item’, I would have the shown images be a repeating group to show all images that contain each of the selected tags (race, class, gender, etc).
To summarize my approach, I recommend treating this like a database of images, that have been ‘tagged’ with attributes. The image choice the user has is merely a filtered view of those images, so as they swap the tags out the image results will change.