How to spread a long text returned by CHATGPT into multiple pages?

So I have received a long text from ChatGPT forr my app and I don’t want to show it to the user in one go. Instead the user should be able to read partial text on screen and once he is finished he presses the next button to go to some more part of that content. In this way we can have any number of clicks to keep viewing in the content conveniently. You can think of eight as a book experience.

Please suggest how to do this? Appreciate in advance.

you could ask chatgpt to return it in parts

or use truncate on text

Thanks Mitch! Considering user convenience for MVP stage as well as lesser complexity (since I am still not bubble-expert by any means :), which of these approach would you recommend for my use case?

chatgpt to return in parts would be the best solution as it preprocesses the data in the same generation step.

truncate text is an option if you want to be very specific about the breaks. ie break at 200 characters

Great. So to be specific, you suggest chaptgpt to be instructed to place several text-identifiers (eg. pg1, pg2 etc) at logical breakpoints and then bubble can then spot these identifiers?

I’d get chatgpt to return json as the output and then structure the json in the way I want to use the data

Mitch I appreciate your prompt responses and I am gona try doing this on my own… phew!