How to start to recreate Years in Pixel?


I have been learning bubble for about 2 months now. I have created a couple web apps (Airbnb clone, yacht rental web app, Whatsapp MVP, some AI Saas’s Rapid Prototypes…) however I got stuck with the new app I’m building. Simply put it is “Years in Pixels” (Check the image below). The problem Im facing is, I do not know how to even start… I thought I would put a repeating group and simply change the color of the cell depending on the database value, but setting the grid itself is hard as not all months finish with 31. Alongside with that I dont know how to make the dates responsive (I can easily create a database full of 2024’s records as dates so that the input would be perfect, but then 2025’s entry must be manual as well and it wont matcg). So anyways, Im really stuck! Someone please point me in the right direction :pray:t3: Thank you all from now for taking the time to read this :slight_smile :slight_smile:

Looks like from screenshot you have borders around the dates and no borders where there is no date, so make a conditional on the repeating group to remove the borders if a date doesn’t exist.

You can use plugins to generate dates, no need for database.


Thank you for your reply. Which exact plugins are you talking about? And how would you go about solving this (The MVP design is finished as you can see below):

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