Hello good evening, I am making an Aribnb clone for bubble learning and what I need is to make multiple or singular selection. Especially for me, the most difficult thing is to visualize multiple selection and make a user-friendly reference page. Which feature should I use to make such a reference page and save the data to the database?
Yes. Or you can use states to save the values.
I figure you are looking for some more details so:
- You can create the database for each type (eg. categories etc. Here Ev, daire, etc .)
- Then subcategories (wifi etc)
Then when the user is selecting the details, add them to a state. And create a database when action is complete and user has given all information.
Hope this helps!
Thanks for your reply, i tried to do set a states but it is so hard to understand what to do. Is there any tutorial on internet to watch and learn? I have been working on this feature for a long time but i havent gone any further. I am really need on asistance
Hey @blazarsoftware,
I’ll assume you have categories stored in an Option Set. On the page or group where you need multiple selection, add a state that will be of type Option Set Categories, and this state will be a list.
On category card click, check if the state contains the current category or not, and run an action to either remove the category from selected categories or add the category to the list of selected categories. You need these to be separate actions. So:
- Card is clicked and this state contains this category
- Card is clicked and this state doesn’t contain this category
Hope this helps. Let me know if you need any other assistance.
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