Images are broken?

How is the correct way to permanently upload files to Bubble Storage?

When upload, I mark as private and attach to a thing, then saves the file URL on a related thing, but after some days the URL return a broken image.

Example of image saved URL:

This URL redirects to a cdn path, but after some days the image returns a broken object (And yes, I’m logged with permissions to see the file):

This is the default behavior (and it’s bugged) or the /fileupload URL’s are temporary?

whne you make it private, it will be visibl to the user it was created by, and you can see it in with current user being that user, see is it not visible like that

When user is not allowed, the URL shows a Permission denied error. In my case, the user is allowed to view the file, but when redirect to URL, the broken image appears (as in my screenshot)

Did you check the URL? When you are redirecting to a Bubble stored file URL, you need to prefix the URL with https: in order for it to be parsed correctly

Yes, the saved URL contains https, as the format below:

Theoretically, this URL always redirects to the file, even if Bubble changes the cdn path (that is temporary). Or not?

Anyways, the final path (cdn) have https too, and it’s broke.