Accessing Bubble's Image URL After Upload?


Question: How can I easily acces Bubble’s URL?

Context: When the user uploads an image through “file uploader”, Bubble creates 2 URLs:

1. File Uploader URL: Easy to find but doesn’t work for API calls.
2. Bubble URL: Contains extra data and works for API calls, but I can’t manage to have access to it.


Any help would be appreciated!


The URL provided from fileuploader file:URL should be the same as what you would get from Bubble URL since once a file is uploaded and becomes available to the fileuploader, it is already in the Bubble file manager.

Where do you get this from?

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Sure? I get this URL when I click in the file within the file manager (see image).
I follow this 2 steps:

Step 1: Go to file manager and click the file.

Step 2: I get this url

Any idea how I can get this URL to send via API?

add https: in front of the fileuploader value URL

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I tried but it doesn’t work. This is what I’m sending to the API, do you see something wrong?


Yes, looks like added https:// instead of https: since your URL has 4 / instead of 2

You are right, just did a quick test and it works. Thanks!

I’m using this plugin, so I’ll write them to ask them to solve the bug and meanwhile fix it with some regex code.

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