Increasing user grade by one each year

I have a data type called guest, which has a grade field.

I’m trying to figure how best to bulk edit all 1st graders to 2nd graders (and all 2nd graders to 3rd graders and so on…) at the end of each year.

Any simple solutions for this?


you can use the make changes to a list action.

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An esiest way is Just case ‘Make changes to a list of thing’ then search all the guest of 1 st grade and change them to 2nd one.

few ways you could do this

instead of storing a grade you could store a date and do it like age then you don’t have to update anything in bulk each year

works similar to birthdate and age
to get age just compare birthdate to current date and format as years
to get grade compare grade date to current date and format as years
if they are held down or moved up a grade then just change the years 1 or -1

could also simplify and not use date but a number and still use a comparison - store the year only 2020 and compare to current dates year ie 2024-2020 = grade 4

although date would likely be useful if they enrol at a certain date because grades probably change every year at a specific date so comparing current date to grade date would make sense there - unless grades change the same time a year changes then you could use number

of if you want to store the grade as a number you could trigger it several ways

  1. teachers could mark each student as “graduated” from the grade/could be done in bulk also - this batches the logic so it is triggered by users instead of a scheduled event
  2. you could do it based on a scheduled workflow that runs once a year for all students (but what if some are kept down or skip a grade?)

I’d probably store it as a date or have the teachers do the graduations via a button per student/class

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This is brilliant. Thanks!

Great ideas, One more thing you can do is set up a workflow that runs automatically at the end of each year to update the grades. This way, you don’t have to do it manually. You can also create a custom workflow to handle cases like students skipping a grade or repeating one, so it’s more flexible.

Thanks! How would I do this without all kids ending up with the same highest grade? For example, once I update all 1st grade to 2nd grade, won’t they get caught in the calculation to update 2nd grade to 3rd? Effectively eliminating all 2nd graders, and so on until everyone has the same grade.

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You would have to start the other direction. :blush: Start with the highest grade and work backwards. Glad you are thinking logically. :raised_hands: Good job.

Also, I don’t recommend doing this by birth date since some kids might be held back a year or skip a year and it won’t be based on age. Something to keep in mind.

Ha! Of course.

I’m going with this route. Simple and flexible.

Thank you!

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