Info from Date/Time picker

I am really new to this so please pretend I’m 4 yo when explaining lol.

On to the problem!
I’m trying to make a page where you can choose a date in a Date/Time picker and depending on the date you choose you will get different textboxes (don’t know what to call it in programmish).

I think the thing I want to use is a “Repeating group”, but please let me know if there are any other easier way to make this. And from the “Repeating group” I would need to make the different “textboxes” and this would then be a “Data type”?

So for example:
From the Data/Time picker a choose 5/6 and the “Repeating group” show me 3 different “Data types”.
If I then choose 7/8 in the Data/Time picker the “Repeating group” generate 5 other “Data types”.

Sorry for the bad explaining but it’s kinda hard when I don’t know what I’m talking about haha.


It’s not entirley cleear what you’re trying to do, or what you’re asking?..

So for example:
From the Data/Time picker a choose 5/6 and the “Repeating group” show me 3 different “Data types”.
If I then choose 7/8 in the Data/Time picker the “Repeating group” generate 5 other “Data types”.

What do you mean by “show me 3 different data types”?

A Repeating group can’t show different datatypes… it can only have a single data type.

And from the “Repeating group” I would need to make the different “textboxes” and this would then be a “Data type”?

Again, it’s not clear what you mean by this?

Okay, sorry.
BTW I don’t really know anything about this so I may not be talking about the right “types”, “groups” and such. But I’ll try to take you through it.

So the thing I am trying to do is a Calendar (Data/Time picker I guess) were you chose a date. So far so good…

And based on what date you choose from the calendar you get different results.

Here comes the part where it gets hard to explain without the right terms… The results would be like a little text. I would like the “texts” to come from a “database” with “texts” .

So all in all, I want to chose a date and get results from a database.

Right, ok…

Now I understand vaguely what you’re trying to do, but it’s such a vague question I can’t give much in the way of specific help.

Basically, you want to show some other data based on the date chosen from the data/time picker, yes?..

Exactly how you do that will depend on so many specific factors (such as how and where you want to show it, what exactly you want to show, and based on what conditions you want it to show etc.) that without knowing the ins-and-outs of your app its impossible to be specific.

But, all you need to do is use conditions on the elements, and relevant search constraints on your data, based on the selected date/time to ensure that only the things you want to show are shown when the date/time is selected.

This is all fairly basic functionality in Bubble, so I’d highly recommend you take a step back and learn the basics first, otherwise nothing is going to make sense.

I’d suggest going through the basic Bubble tutorials, reading the manual (especially about conditions and search constraints), and then once you’ve got to grips with the basics no doubt you’ll find what you’re trying to do rather simple.

And if not, you’ll be able to provide more specific information in the forum for others to help you with any specific issues in your build.

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