Input fields keep showing temporary data

Hi everyone

I’m creating an invoice app with invoice items (name, desc, price, etc.). The invoice items are in a separate database that’s linked to the invoice. If someone changes a field in the Invoice items inputs without saving the Invoice (say they cancel), that change or number still shows if they view the invoice back right away. For example, the price was $5, now you type $0 and then cancel, (i.e. the price is not saved), if you view the invoice again you would see $0 and not $5, eventhough the total price is based on $5. Any suggestions on how to fix this?

Reset a group/popup

doesn’t work

Check your privacy rules

I don’t know the conditions for that rule, in that image, just make sure the user account trying to make the changes fit the rule.

I did. I’m surprised it’s a privacy issue to begin with. not going anywhere haha

Have you run tried debugging in step by step mode? If so what does it show?

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