Integration of Bubble and Webflow

So I’m building my companies website using Webflow, but the web app is being built on Bubble (because you cannot create new user accounts with Webflow). However, I’d like the design to be roughly the same on both the website and the web app, but since Bubble has different design tools I’m not sure that’s entirely possible.

Is there a better way to do this rather than trying to design the web app on both platforms?

Usually what users do is create homepages and landing pages on Webflow and once the user clicks “Sign Up” or “Login” buttons it takes them to the Bubble app.

Ex: myapp .com (Webflow landingpage)
app.myapp .com (Bubble webapp where they can login)

Hope this helps clears it up.


You might be able to build the entire front end using Webflow. Check out what this guy is doing with Cloud Canal.

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