Ionic Checkbox - Bottom cut off

Hi All

This is a weird one but the solution is surely really simple…my Ionic Checkboxes have their bottoms cut off. I assumed I’d nudged them (all!) down a few pixels and that they were clashing with the boundary of the RG they’re in but this isn’t the case. Here’s a screen shot.
Screen Shot 2021-06-10 at 14.54.44
And this is it selected in the design side…it’s nowhere near an element border
Screen Shot 2021-06-10 at 14.55.21

All my ionic checkboxes are doing the same. I’ve done a search and tried solutions but no joy. Has anyone else experienced this and do they have a remedy? I’m fully prepared to accept User Error as the cause.
Many thanks.


Thanks for your post! Would it be possible to file a bug report for this? Our team would be happy to investigate.

Yes of course.
Thank you.

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Ya noticed that too

Just a heads up if you haven’t been notified…This is resolved now.

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