Ipify (adblock)

Ublock ad blocker stops the Ipify plugin from working thus not allowing users to login/signup when they are using that specific adblocker.

Anyone have suggestions on how we can still record the ip?

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No easy way. Only detecting the adblocker and asking the user to deactivate it.

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Facing this same issue with Brave Browser. It seems to be blocking the Ipify plugin from working.

I want to avoid asking the user to do anything @vini_brito, instead I prefer to simply detect the error, then resume a different workflow.

So what I did was added a check to see if the workflow error contains “Ipify”, then call a different workflow. This seems to work fine, at least allows the user to signup.

Yup, a solution would be calling, from the browser, a server that is not blacklisted in adblockers’ list. Of course the server would have to be configured to return the IP.

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