Is it possible to display a PPT in a box view when users upload it through an input file uploader

i want users to upload there presentation deck through some form i made and display that presentation slides(PPT) in a detail page along with other details

I want to have this presentation slide in a box view so that other users can see it just like in slide share

Hey @ananthurg77 :wave:

Thanks for reaching out and great question!

You can certainly allow the upload! I’m not aware of a native solution to do this in Bubble but you might be able to find a file-viewer plugin of some kind, or an embedable viewer of some kind that would enable this sort of functionality. And, if all else fails, you might consider posting in the Plugin Builders section of this forum to see if anyone could help build a plugin that could do it.

Very cool idea and I hope you’re able to get a solution up and running for it. Don’t hesitate to email us at with any additional questions.

Yes I found the solution

By making users uploading the file in one drive or any cloud storage
where they can pull out the embedded code from the share option of Microsoft PP.
ask them to copy paste the code in an input field
then showing dynamically using an html element.

Nice work @ananthurg77!

That’s an excellent, simple solution to solve this. Good luck with the rest of the build and don’t hesitate to reach out if we can assist with anything else.

Hi @Andrew.Vernon

Actually this solution has a drawback,
Like only users with Microsoft account can view the PPT. And has to sign in to view through SharePoint.

I am still back to zero.

Can you help me how to view if the person uploads a file which is a pdf. I want to show them within the page in small box.

Can this be achieved using iframe and html
If it is possible, how does the html code works to view the pdf

Hey @ananthurg77

Understood! This solution shines depending on how many of your users have microsoft / dropbox accounts I guess. One suggestion would be that most of those kinds of services have the ability to set files as viewable for anyone with the link. This might be worth investigating.

You can definitely display PDFs on Bubble. There are some plugins that offer this sort of functionality. And, it’s also worth mentioning that PDFs are generic enough most browsers have a nice interface for viewing them if you simply open the PDF itself in a new tab.

I might also recommend checking out the forum for some insights into how other users have solved this problem. Working with PDFs on Bubble is definitely a common usecase.

Best of luck with the build! And, don’t hesitate to reach out to us directly at with any additional questions.

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