Is it possible to use the API connector to connect to local host?

I’m working on my site and attempting to get the bubble API to interact with an application that I have running locally. However, when I attempt to initialize a POST call, I receive an error message that says ‘There was an issue setting up your call.
The host is not valid’.

Does anyone have experience setting something like this up? How would one go about it? Thanks in advance!

I dont think you will be able to acces your local network while initilizing the API, because the API call runs in bubble server when we are initilizing it.

but there is a catch, The initiliztion is telling what type of respone it will get. so if you have the response:

  • click the manualy ènter API response copy past the response you have and click save, bubble will detect the response and then click save again. that will make you call initilized and you be able to use the API call in workflows.

and then you can use the API call form font end, hopefully it will detect the localhost and run.

this can be useful for a quick test with a local server:

Instal ngrok so you can proxy a public address to the local one. is internal for your device

Thank you for the comments everyone. I did try manually initializing the call as Baloshi suggested, but when I test the application it still says it cannot connect. I did also test the API call locally through Postman using the same json format that I’m testing in Bubble and confirmed it’s structured properly.

My hope is that any user with the application could connect my bubble site to their local version of the application without the need for ngrok or similar tunneling. Am I correct in understanding that those approaches would require the end user to install on their local machine? I’m just trying to prevent the need for any additional work from the eventual end-user of my site.

Any other thoughts? Happy to provide more information if needed.

Your local app is local to you. If you want your Bubble users to connect to their local version - they have to set it up too.

If your local app should be accessible to everyone in your Bubble app, you can set up a cheap server (dependng on what it requires) to expose a public version of it.

You have to provide more context I believe