Is there more than one way to force the order of actions?

I know that actions dependent on the “Result of (a prior) Step” will occur in order.
Eg. If action 20 is dependent on the result of action 10, action 20 will is not triggered until action 10 has completed.

Is there any other way to force a sequence of events?

My specific challenge:
I have a 20 action workflow. Actions 10-15 are conditional actions that may or may not be triggered.
I want step 16 to wait until steps 10-15 complete before step 16 runs (even 10-15 are all false and thus not triggered). Is there any sure fire way to force this sequence?

There may be a few solutions. Have you put conditionals on actions using the “only when” option?

For example, if the action was
“show step 16” when “step 10 is complete”
“show step 16” when “step 11 is complete”
“show step 16” when “step 12 is complete”
“show step 16” when “step 13 is complete”
“show step 16” when “step 14 is complete”
“show step 16” when “step 15 is complete”

If you tick “show the breakpoint”, you’ll be able to watch the sequence during preview.

Hope this helps.