Im getting this issue when trying to access my app. Anyone know if this is a Bubble issue?:
Unexpected error, please try again shortly. (Reason: bal)
Im getting this issue when trying to access my app. Anyone know if this is a Bubble issue?:
Unexpected error, please try again shortly. (Reason: bal)
I’m getting the same thing right now, also experienced issues logging in earlier today. Not sure what’s up.
Issues were on Chrome but it’s behaving fine on Safari for me.
I have the same problem and it won’t resolve for about 5 hours.
I’ve tried everything, but none of the following has changed the situation
However, it is working in version-test.
Incognito window also worked fine.
Yes, the same occurred before as reported here.
I started having these problems yesterday, I thought it was a temporary thing and my computer telling me to rest. But this morning I encountered the same problems.
I tried everything too:
1 - Created a new branch directly from main
2 - Created a new branch of the branch with problems
3 - Tested all branches, including old ones, none of them work
4 - Cleared the browser cache
5 - Restarted the pc
6 - Tested other browsers
7 - Used safe mode (no plugins or HTML)
Things I noticed. There has been a slight change in this ramifications tab. Would this be another one of those Bubble updates (WITHOUT PRIOR TESTING) that improve little in terms of appearance here, but break important features everywhere?
Another thing I identified was that only in Chrome is it possible to preview Main, in other browsers not even Main works.
Other problems also occurred yesterday with colors being lost, even Bubble’s default colors (which in theory should always be there), as I already reported here and also sent a bug report today.
At the moment I am unable to do anything. Can you check this @fede.bubble ?
This is another reason to have that “releases” page back. We will at least be able to get an idea of ​​some of the problems that occur and point to possible causes. Instead of removing that page, it just needed to have more specific descriptions instead of using standardized and general labels for most cases that didn’t serve to identify anything.
Could you all submit a bug report with the support port? It helps organize the investigation to find out what’s going on
We are currently seeing this error too on our production site (Unexpected error, please try again shortly. (Reason: bal)) - we’ve experienced intermittent strange behavious all day but this is the first time it’s been completely inaccessible. Have submitted a bug report…
I had submitted a bug report and continued to communicate with them…
But, I didn’t think it was possible, so I CLEARED COOKIES on the origin (on chrome dev console) and it fixed it!
It no longer reproduces and I can no longer give clues, but it solved the problem in my environment.
Thanks @k-abe this has worked for us too. Not a great solution but it works!