Here if i am entering the staer date as a sep 3,2024 and end date as a sep 17,2024. There here is storing only 10 recors in databse.I have also test some more cases which has difference greater than 10.But still in there it was storing only maximum 10 datss in ym following table.So can anyone help where is the issue?
You probably have a limit to 10 recursion set on your app (which is apparently the default limit).
You can change that in your app settings.
Yeah… I meant what actual Date is it?
But, I don’t think that’s the issue…
As I said you probably have a limit of 10 recursions set.
Hi @adamhholmes
If the difference between the start date and the end date is greater than 10, it will only show up to 10. Where is the limit for recursions?
Hii @adamhholmes
Here i have entered the start date 1st oct and end date 16th oct then also it’s showing only 10 entries from 1st oct to 10 oct in my table.
On the API tab of your app settings… change (or remove) the default 10 recursions setting.
Okay done Thanks
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