It was better when data field input boxes expanded in the editor

In the past weeks Bubble changed the behavior of data field input boxes in the editor (see image below). Previously, if the data field contained long text and you clicked it, it would expand to show more text, but now it doesn’t expands at all. In my opinion, this is very uncomfortable:


Just wanted to share my opinion. If you feel the same, like or comment below, maybe we get heard and they turn it back as it was before.



I agree even if it was a bit confusing sometimes to have all fields jumping and repainting the layout…

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I have a bug report about this…this to me is not an intentional change, but instead is a bug. Please submit a bug report if you have not already. @adzbiz11 please submit a bug report if you have not already as well. The more people they hear from about bugs the faster they are likely to resolve it.


This bug has been fixed and the values input boxes expand to show content in editor again.

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